Contact Pro-Tech shop

The operator of the online shop is the company Pro-Tech shop, Ltd.

Billing address :

Pro-Tech Shop, Ltd.
Lieskovská cesta 2279
962 21 Lieskovec
ID No.: 52 566 269
VID No.: 2121065980
VAT No.: SK2121065980
Entry in the Commercial Register: the District Court of Banská Bystrica, Section Sro, Insert No.: 37088/S. Pro-Tech Shop s. r. o. is a VAT payer.

Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:30 - 17:00
Saturday - Sunday: closed

We will be happy to answer your questions via email ( every working day from 8:30 - 17:00.

Responsible manager: Dávid Hrončok