Warranty, Complaints Policy and Complaints Handling Policy

5. Warranty, Complaint Conditions and Complaint Procedure

5.1. The provisions of this clause do not apply to a buyer who is not a consumer or a person who purchases goods for the purpose of business and not for the purpose of personal consumption of natural persons; liability for defects in goods in this case is governed by the provisions of §422 et seq. Commercial Code. The Seller handles consumer complaints in accordance with the legislation of the Slovak Republic, in particular Act No. 250/2007 Coll.

5.2. For all goods purchased under civil law, the warranty period in accordance with the legislation of the Slovak Republic is normally 24 months, unless the legislation of the Slovak Republic provides for a shorter period for certain types of goods. The warranty period starts from the date of receipt of the goods by the buyer. The Seller shall be liable to the Buyer-consumer for defects in the goods in accordance with Sections 623 and 623 of the Civil Code.

5.3. The duration of the warranty period is based on the legislation of the Slovak Republic. If a period of use is indicated on the sold item, its packaging or the instructions attached to it, the warranty period shall not expire before the expiry of this period.

5.4. The warranty does not cover defects and damage caused by: in connection with normal wear and tear, the actions of the Buyer or a third party after the Buyer has taken delivery of the goods, unprofessional, careless handling, excessive load, mechanical damage or wear and tear, use of the goods contrary to their instructions or purpose of use or failure to comply with the rules of use, maintenance or storage, natural disasters, unprofessional or improper assembly or installation or storage, as a result of failure to carry out regular maintenance and service inspections (if they are specified according to the user manual).

5.5 The Buyer's warranty shall also expire if the seal is removed from the Goods or if the Goods are tampered with.

5.6 If the Buyer wishes to make a Claim or a Withdrawal, he/she must prepare a copy of the proof of purchase (invoice, which also serves as a warranty card). Fill in the Claim Form or Withdrawal Form and attach it together with the proof of purchase to the packaged goods. The following instructions will help you to proceed:

1. Select whether you want to Withdraw or Claim the goods.
2. If your parcel is under 50kg, fill in all the necessary details and a courier will come to collect the parcel once you have completed the registration of the case. If your shipment is over 50kg, select "I will arrange my own shipping" option when creating a case and after registering your case, contact our customer support to discuss the next steps.
3. After filling in the necessary details, press Create Case.
4. Once the case is created, a report will be generated and will arrive in your email inbox with further instructions.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are here for you and happy to help.



5.7 The Buyer shall enclose with the claimed goods a legible copy of the purchase document (invoice, which serves as a warranty card) and a notice of claim with a description of the defect. Complaint report, which you will receive by email after it has been registered. The goods must be delivered in clean condition and with the accessories supplied with the goods.

5.8 It is not possible to assess and settle a claim without the goods being presented or without proof that the goods were purchased from the Seller and that they are within the warranty period.

5.9 The Seller handles consumer complaints in accordance with the legislation of the Slovak Republic, in particular Act No. 250/2007 Coll. as amended, the Civil Code of the Slovak Republic and applicable legislation. If it is a defect that can be removed, the buyer has the right to have it removed free of charge, in a timely and proper manner. The Seller is obliged to remove the defect without undue delay. Instead of removing the defect, the Buyer may require replacement of the item or, if the defect relates only to a part of the item, replacement of the part if this does not incur disproportionate costs for the Seller in relation to the price of the goods or the severity of the defect. The seller may always replace the defective item with a faultless one instead of removing the defect, if this does not cause serious inconvenience to the buyer. If there is a defect which cannot be remedied and which prevents the thing from being properly used as a thing without defect, the buyer has the right to have the thing replaced or to withdraw from the contract. The same rights shall apply to the buyer if the defects are remediable, but if the buyer cannot properly use the goods because of the recurrence of the defect after repair or because of a greater number of defects. If there are other irremediable defects, the Buyer is entitled to a reasonable discount on the price of the item.

5.10. The Seller shall notify the Buyer of the manner of handling the complaint immediately, in more complex cases within 3 days from the beginning of the complaint procedure, in justified cases, especially if a complex technical assessment of the condition of the goods is required, no later than 30 days from the date of the beginning of the complaint procedure. After determining how to handle the complaint, the seller or a designated person shall handle the complaint immediately; in justified cases, the complaint may also be handled later. However, the handling of the complaint may not take longer than 30 days from the date of the complaint. After the expiry of the time limit for processing the complaint, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract or to have the goods exchanged for new goods. At the end of the complaint procedure, as well as upon the Seller's request, the Buyer is obliged to take over the claimed goods from the Seller within 15 days, if the complaint has been settled by way of repair, discount, exchange of goods (new goods) or rejection of the complaint. Complaints and suggestions of consumers can be addressed to the address of the Seller's registered office. At the end of the complaint procedure, as well as on the basis of the Seller's call, the Buyer is obliged within 15 days to take over the claimed goods from the Seller, if the claim has been settled by way of repair, discount, exchange of goods (new goods) or rejection of the claim. Consumer complaints and suggestions may be addressed to the Seller's registered office address.

5.11. If the Buyer does not take possession of the goods even within 30 days after the complaint has been settled or within 30 days from the date of repeated delivery of the goods to the Buyer or does not take possession of the goods within the same period of time after the Seller's notice has been sent to the contact address provided by the Buyer after the end of the complaint procedure, the Seller shall be entitled, in accordance with the law, to demand from the Buyer a payment of 0.50€ for each day of storage.


5.12 If the Consumer has made a claim for the Product within the first 12 months of purchase, the Seller may only settle the claim by rejecting it on the basis of a professional assessment; irrespective of the outcome of the professional assessment, the Consumer may not be required to pay the costs of the professional assessment or any other costs associated with the professional assessment.

5.13 If the consumer has made a claim for a product after 12 months from the date of purchase and the seller has rejected the claim, the person who has settled the claim must indicate in the claim settlement document to whom the consumer may send the product for expert assessment. If the product is sent to a designated person for expert assessment, the costs of the expert assessment, as well as any other costs reasonably incurred in connection therewith, shall be borne by the seller, irrespective of the outcome of the expert assessment. If the consumer establishes the seller's liability for the defect through the professional assessment, the consumer may reassert the claim; the warranty period shall not expire while the professional assessment is being carried out. The seller shall reimburse the consumer within 14 days from the date of the reasserted claim for all costs incurred for the professional assessment as well as all related costs reasonably incurred. The reasserted claim cannot be rejected.